Grensena aims to participate in projects initiated by the European Union to promote innovation, digitisation and business competitiveness. These initiatives help the company to improve its business processes and adapt to modern market changes.
Digitisation project supported by the European Union
UAB Grensena is implementing the project "UAB Grensena Investments in Digitisation" No. 02-033-K-0624, financed under the progress measure No. 05-001-01-11-04 "05-001-01-05-05 "To promote digitisation of enterprises" of the activity "To promote the digitisation of micro-small, small and medium-sized enterprises by financing e. Promote the digitalisation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by financing the implementation of e-sales transaction solutions, configuration and visualisation of services and products" under the impact "Promote the digitalisation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by financing the implementation of e-sales transaction solutions, configuration and visualisation of services and products" (region of Central and Western Lithuania)".
Total project value
Funding: €50.000,00 financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project implementation deadline
2024/05/23 - 2025/05/23
Objective of the project
Promote the digitalisation of Grensena UAB through the implementation of solutions for sales transactions and the configuration and visualisation of the company's products.
The project will contribute to the company's growth, added value creation and business success by adapting to modern market trends.